Monday 10 October 2016

After multiple replacement units catching fire Samsung is suspending the Galaxy Note 7 production

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Last month internet went crazy when the news about multiple Galaxy Note 7 catching fire started to show up on almost every social networking site. Samsung accepted the issue and issues a worldwide recall of all Galaxy Note 7 units. Samsung then replaced all the Galaxy units and provided the signs by which users can tell which phones are replaced and which phones are faulty. Everything was fine until a few days ago when the news came out that one replaced Samsung Galaxy Note 7 caught fire on the airplane. Then it happened again, almost 5 replaced Galaxy Note 7 devices caught fire in the US alone.  Some of the major US carriers decided to stop selling or replacing the Galaxy Note 7 for the safety of their customers.

According to recent reports Samsung is finally decided to completely stop the production of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7. The report came from the Korean news agency Yonhap. According to some reports one Galaxy Note 7 issue also sent one person to the hospital and it looks like Samsung is finally deciding to take the matter seriously and trying to find the core problem. 

Some Samsung's carrier partner told if Samsung failed to solve this problem they will stop selling the Samsung phones entirely. It is really sad to see the flagship phone's from one of the world's biggest manufacturing company having such a serious issues. This will definitely effect the Samsung's market both financially and operationally. 

*Update: Samsung permanently discontinued the production of Galaxy Note 7.

Stay tuned for the updates.

Source: The Verge

Recomended by: Zergnet

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